by Cori Walsh | Apr 15, 2021 | Auger Boring
MH&S Directional makes a name for itself in South Carolina Just outside Florence, South Carolina, next to a busy Interstate 95 interchange, a six-person team from MH&S (Monty Hicks & Son) Directional LLC based out of New Zion, South Carolina, was...
by Cori Walsh | Jul 24, 2020 | Auger Boring
S.J. Louis deploys auger boring steerable rock system to complete on-grade sewer install in record time Written by: Neville Missen, applications engineer Provided by: McLaughlin Boring Systems “One of the most time-consuming tasks while auger boring is pulling augers...
by mightymole | Jul 12, 2016 | Auger Boring
PROBLEM In November 2015, Kandey Company of West Seneca, New York, accepted the Rush Creek Interceptor Project. Spanning over 8,600 linear feet, crews will install a combination of 1,700 feet of gravity and force main sewer line that will be placed within a 48-inch...
by mightymole | May 21, 2015 | Auger Boring
Underground construction jobs are sometimes like Christmas: You never know for sure what you’re going to get. Nix Construction got a reminder of that last December. It was almost Christmas and an auger boring crew from the Utah company was pushing in pilot tubes for...
by mightymole | Feb 6, 2015 | Auger Boring
At first glance, many utility installation companies more or less look the same. They offer similar services and often using common technologies applied for the installation being specified. The industry is competitive on price and quality. It’s not enough to be in...
by mightymole | Jul 7, 2014 | Auger Boring
The dangers and challenges of an auger boring jobsite can often be tense topics of conversation. Despite the best efforts of crews and contractors to instill a culture of safety on a daily basis, accidents can happen. Nonetheless, any time individuals are working...